- Re: new cba discord server and communications roadmap information
- IPs, and a few novae, galore
- Re: recent news...
- other candidate stars
- recent news...
- stars for aug-oct
- travails from New York
- V1674 Her, last call?
- accident
- V1674 Her, prime season
- some other high-priority stars
- Fwd: some other high-priority stars
- HZ Puppis
- V1674 Her and friends
- Novae with lessons to teach us...
- v1674 Her and other seasonal stars
- V1674 Her again...
- V1674 Her... advertisement
- U Sco, yes... but also V1674 Her!
- V1674 Her... once more with feeling!
- April sky calendar
- V1674 Her, IM Nor, V407 Lupi
- stars for march-april
- V1674 Her and T Pyx, and other novae
- V1674 Her uodate, and AAVSO
- V1674 Her, one more time...
- V1674 Herculis: sayonara?
- V1674 Her: Save the Last Dance for Me
- v1674 Her: a lesson in speed
- Novae for September-October
- splicing CV light curves
- Periods in freshly erupted novae
- V1674 Her, again
- V1674 Her: nova of the century
- CI Aquilae in particular
- Fwd: target stars for July-Aug
- ATel #14720 and the new Hercules nova
- stars for May-June
- AM CVn... one last push
- Fwd: CRTS J135716.8-093238 (X-ray "nova"): new outburst? (Apr. 10)
- stars for March /April/May
- YZ LMi outburst? (AM CVn+E)
- final try
- Fwd: 3rd try
- 3rd try
- the AM CVn dor-z file
- AM CVn - one long St. Patrick's night
- AM CVn campaign (only)
- Fwd: V1062 Tau (intermediate polar) in outburst
- 2021meetings... and WX Pyx
- menu for february-march 2021
- Fwd: [vsnet-alert 25345] Re: HV Cet: long-term brightening (from Gaia alert)
- HV Cet, HZ Pup, AM CVn... and finis to T Pyx
- T Pyx, AM CVn, and VX For
- ah men, v902 mon, and the puppis crew
- CC Scl in outburst
- T Pyx 2020-1
- More on AH Men = Tafelberg
- AH Mensae contaminating star
- V392 Per, finis!... and new Nov-Dec stars
- V392 Persei
- eclipsing novalike variable in the period gap
- V378 Peg versus V392 Per
- novae, near and far
- CC Scl... and intermediate polars
- IM Nor and friends... plus V392 Per and novae generally
- Sep-Oct-Nov stars
- Fwd: The Return of Maxie?... and some expired "suoersoft" stars
- ATO J104.6895+17.0332: possible recovery of the 1892 nova? (=NSV 3313)
- and V Sagittae, also finis
- V392 Per... and CI Aql
- eclipse timings... and old novae
- August stars, redux... plus CI Aql and the nova project
- august stars
- Re: ASASSN-V J205457.73+515731.9 of ATel #13824, anyone?
- The month of HP Lib
- v1223 Sgr
- Fwd: [vsnet-outburst 25195] Re: PQ And in outburst!
- one more try...
- Nova Sco 1437
- May-June stars.... and life in 2020
- cba-news, addendum: VZ Sex, negatory
- April-May stars
- mostly AM CVn, CR Boo, VZ Sex, and our two Maxies
- QS UMa
- March stars, volume 1; AM CVn & friends
- Re: MAXIE is back
- stars for february-march
- HZ Puppis!
- the multitude of intermediate polars, mostly
- "Winter" stars for Dec-Jan
- QR And, finis
- possible riches in ATel 13257
- V405 Aur
- November 2019 stars
- just Maxi = ASASSN-18ey... OK, also V1974 Cyg
- PX And
- ATel #13014
- Fwd: Re: MAXIE J1820+070 paper
- CBA Aug-Sep targets