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(cba:news) other candidate stars (Joe Patterson) [2024-10-09T18:24:19Z]

To flesh out the previous note:

I'm fascinated by V1674 Her and DQ Her because they are the only with a complete pulse-period history since the nova outburst (in the case of DQ Her, I should say "since pulse discovery", but it's possible the pulse was there in the 20 years since the nova outburst, but nobody imagined that such a fast signal could come from a nova - Walker's 1954 discovery was considered shocking. V407 Lupi might be a third such star, but it's still too lightly observed to know.

All other IPs have unknown eruption dates, probably centuries or millennia ago.

The seasonally-and-magnitude-appropriate IPs are also good targets now - AO Psc, FO Aqr, V1223 Sgr, etc. IM Nor and T Pyx are too -because they are the two stars which appear to be lengthening their Porb at a meteoric rate, consistent with very fast evolution.

Not a complete list by any means. Enrique may wish to supplement it - he keeps much better track of the IPs.

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