(cba:news) Novae for September-October (Joe Patterson) [2021-08-28T16:25:16Z]
Hi CBAers
Terrific coverage of N Her 2021 = V1674 Her coming in. The star
continues to taunt us with its strong orbital and pulse signals - even
though it's still 4-5 magnitudes above quiescence. Pretty clear
evidence of greatly enhanced mass accretion. Let's keep it rolling
until evening twilight puts us out of business in late September.
The other seasonally appropriate novae are: V1500 Cyg, V4743 Sgr, V1494
Aql, and V1974 Cyg. In the early morning sky, try V Per. All somewhat
challenging, esp. the first two. Less daunting targets are V Sge, and
the intermediate polars (Enrique keeps up with them better than I do,
and will probably have good advice). But I'm inclined to suggest V418
Gem and V2306 Cyg. (And DQ Her, but only if you can afford a time
resolution 20 s or less).
Koji Mukai, bless his heart, has updated his list of recent classical novae:
It's a great list to study for stars which are (OK, were) bright and
seasonally appropriate. To me the most interesting seem to be V392 Per,
NR TrA, V407 Lup, and HV Cet. None really well-placed, but worth
waiting for.
But most of all, keep up the pressure on V1674 Her!
joe p
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