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(cba:news) The month of HP Lib (Joe Patterson) [2020-06-11T21:26:24Z]

Hi CBAers,

I'm getting plenty of data now on DQ Her, and have some very accurate pulse timings - enough to establish a very accurate phase during June 2020. It's time to put the star aside until october (late-season timings make it possible to ascertain a unique cycle count between one season and the next).

The urgent need now is HP Lib. We are getting good coverage from Berto in South Africa, and from several European observers. But you norteamericanos - other than Tut Campbell - seem to be averse to that southerly declination. How scary can -14 degrees be? At mag 13.8 and with a 0.05 mag rapid oscillation, it's a pretty easy target for every observer. Long runs are nice of course, but anything >2.5 hours would be useful.

As with AM CVn, HP Lib's main signal is a superhump - in itself, not all that interesting. But with a really strong campaign, we can subtract the superhump and find the weak orbital signal in the residuals. In addition, we can search for a negative superhump, like in AM CVn. It is such a dead ringer for AM CVn... I bet that negative superhump is in there, happy to emerge once our detection limits get just a little bit stronger!

Later in the night, V1494 Aql and V1974 Cyg are definitely juicy targets for you northerners. More in a few days.

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