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(cba:news) V392 Per, finis!... and new Nov-Dec stars (Joe Patterson) [2020-11-21T23:53:49Z]
Hi CBAers,
Let's bring down the curtain on V392 Per. Tremendous coverage, which I
have greedily pounced on and worked out the periods. The main signal is
about 3.2 days, and there's a not-quite-coherent feature near 1.2 hours.
But neither signal is really in our happy zone, and the usual rule of
thumb is: significant improvement requires doubling what you already
have. Too much. So I'll write up what we have now, and let's move on.
Intermediate polars. Some of you have adopted favorite and seasonally
appropriate IPs. Excellent strategy. But here's a few of special
importance which definitely need service: BG CMi, HT Cam, HZ Pup, V418
Gem, V647 Aur, V667 Pup. A 3-hr observation generally gives a good
pulse timing. And 10 distributed over an observing season enables a
continuous cycle count.
Koji Mukai's listing of intermediate polars (the "NASA" listing) gives
all the info you might need for these stars. The common goal for all
is: measure their long-term period change. That's the "sociology" part.
However, many stars have their own quirks - sidebands, orbital
signals, etc. - which distinguish them. That's the "psychology" aspect.
Pretty much all IPs are a great hunting ground for CBA-style observation.
V597 Pup is of special interest - apparently an IP, an eclipser, and a
nova. Probably too faint... but take a look; if you can do it, it could
be a mighty interesting target.
Finally, we have very long-term campaigns going for ES Cet and T Pyx.
Both still in our nighttime sky. It would great to get some data for
the 2020-1 season.
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