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(cba:news) mostly AM CVn, CR Boo, VZ Sex, and our two Maxies (Joe Patterson) [2020-04-10T13:11:00Z]

Hi CBAers,

We're managing to stay healthy amid the NYC maelstrom of spring 2020.  So far, I believe 5 virus deaths among the full students+staff Columbia community.  All Columbia buildings locked up.  I've retreated, along with my wife Laura and our dog, to a house-in-the-woods in the Catskill mountains... and will wait it out til autumn if necessary. I'm certainly struggling with video teaching, but with Jonathan's (video) help, have managed to steer clear of disaster.  Class prep time has at least quadrupled - it reminds me of my first month of teaching, at 21 years old.

CBA attention has suffered too, but that will change after May 7 (end of school year, as well as Lusitania sinking).  BTW I'm sure that all CBAers have their own accounts of how their life has changed, including the astronomy.  We're all bound together by that, and I hope you'll share your stories in this forum.

VZ Sex is a very likely intermediate polar which has, for some reason, never been on our lists.  (Maybe because of obsession with the 4 most-famous AM CVn stars, which are all Feb-May targets.)  The "outburst" reported below is sufficient reason to remedy that.  IP outbursts are pretty lame and disorganized, compared to those of dwarf novae.  Practically nothing is known about their origin, frequency, amplitude, effect on periodic signals, etc.  This is a good target to jump on - decently placed in the sky and available to all hemispheres.

The AM CVn campaign is slowing down, and properly so.  The phase of that 1028.7322 s orbital signal for 2020 is now well specified, stable, and easy to connect with previous years.  It confirms the 60 Myr timescale of orbital-period decrease strongly suspected in 2018 and 2019 data.  Break out the champagne.  But the other target of our study is the relative phases of the stronger signals (the positive superhump at 1051/525 s and the negative at 1011 s).  They're stable on a timescale of a few weeks, but always drift on longer timescales.  So to measure the sense of that drift (correlated positively or negatively), I've found that you need something like a 100-day campaign.  Not necessarily long runs, but steady coverage over the next 30 days.

I haven't yet analyzed the CR Boo data, but I will this weekend.  I speculate that CR Boo and HP Lib will be very rewarding targets for the next two months.  I think V803 Cen should be put aside unless it gets very bright (12.5) or very faint (17.5).  And even at 12.5, give it a second day to prove it's worthwhile; the "short outbursts" of V803 Cen last only a day, and are a dime a dozen (USA saying).

The two Maxies (MAXI J1820+070 and MAXI J0637-430) are at opposite ends of the sky, but we have low-intensity campaigns alive for both - basically covering the aftermath of the major outbursts.  Snapshot magnitudes, whenever you can, would be good; a 10-minute time series, say, would be better (these stars might flicker a lot).  Being  near quiescence, the stars are likely forgotten by most people - but not by us.  Joe U and Josch have led the way on this - but give them some company.

The four-IP paper is in press at ApJ, and I'm near submission on the AM CVn and Maxie J1820 papers.  I'll send the latter two around in late May, after the video torment ends.

BTW I haven't heard about cancellations/postponements of SAS and AAVSO meetings; anyone knowledgeable about those plans?

           joe p

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	[vsnet-alert 24155] VZ Sex outburst
Date: 	Fri, 10 Apr 2020 14:02:16 +0900
From: 	Taichi Kato <tkato@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: variable_star_forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, vsnet-alert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, vsnet-alert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, vsnet-campaign-dn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, vsnet-outburst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, vsnet-outburst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

VZ Sex outburst

(IP outburst)

YYYYMMDD(UT) mag observer
20200326.8986 <143 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20200329.9688 <143 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20200331.8951 <143 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20200401.1697 16.455zg (Zwicky Transient Facility Lasair (Masci+ 2019))
20200401.2106 15.049zr (Zwicky Transient Facility Lasair (Masci+ 2019))
20200408.5577 125cG (Yutaka Maeda)
20200408.8701 125 (Eddy Muyllaert)

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