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Re: (cba:news) (cba:chat) MAXIE is back (Joe Patterson) [2020-02-20T12:50:20Z]

Because of the unfavorable sky position, the main reward now is likely to be semi-snapshots.  Previous rebrightenings/echoes have lasted a couple of weeks.  But it's a very good target to schedule for "last object of the night".  Watch out for that onrushing twilight!

I'll send out a longer recommended-target list tonight.  But here are two high priorities:

QS UMa (the old "UMa 6"). David Cejudo has been carrying out great coverage from Spain.  But we really need some comparably intensive coverage from the USA (the 10-hour period certainly rewards *extensive* spread in longitude).

AM CVn. Similar comment, only now it's the Euros that have been not so active.  So, in this Olympic year, let's get all (northern ) nations on board.  Lengthy time series are quite advantageous, because the three distinct periods (1051 s, 1029 s, 1011 s) need time to separate cleanly in phase.  But don't tamper with the 2.0 airmass rule; these signals are extremely precise, so it behooves us to be as precise as conditions allow.

Congrats again to Joe U for keeping the faith on Maxie!

joe [

On 2/20/2020 5:08 AM, Heinz-Bernd Eggenstein wrote:
Good catch! This is unexpected, right?
I hope there are enough people here who can observe it. Here in Central Europe, we are a bit soaked in rain and blown away by wind gusts at the moment. With look I'll have a point measurement from an iTelescope in a few hours but no time series.


Heinz-Bernd Eggenstein, Scientific Software Engineer
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
Callinstrasse 38
D-30167 Hannover,  Germany
Tel.: +49-511-762-17153 (Room 036)

-----"cba-chat" <cba-chat-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: -----
To: cba-chat@xxxxxxxxxxx
From: Joe Ulowetz
Sent by: "cba-chat"
Date: 02/19/2020 03:51PM
Subject: (cba:chat) MAXIE is back

I measured ASASSN-18ey at mag 15.8V at 11:45 UTC today.  It was 18.4V on Feb 14.

-Joe U.
Center for Backyard Astrophysics (CBA) mailing lists
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