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(cba:news) OGLE-IV Pre-discovery Observations of MASTER OT J051032.58-692130.4 (ATel #9040) (Joe Patterson) [2016-05-12T09:48:37Z]

This discovery of what appears to be a classical nova couldn't arrive at a worse time (LMC in May), but the reported eclipses and long P_orb make it an important star to know about. Australites, see what you can learn about it!

I've completed preliminary analysis on two program stars - V1223 Sgr and LN UMa. Both can be taken off the menu, though it would be nice to sneak in some V1223 observations *late* in the observing season (September). V803 Cen remains a very good target.


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Subject: [vsnet-alert 19818] OGLE-IV Pre-discovery Observations of MASTER OT J051032.58-692130.4 (ATel #9040)
Date: Wed, 11 May 2016 17:42:51 +0000 (UTC)
From: Patrick Schmeer <pasc1312-aavso@xxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: Patrick Schmeer <pasc1312-aavso@xxxxxxxx>
To: vsnet-alert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, vsnet-outburst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, cvnet-outburst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, baavss-alert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

OGLE-IV Pre-discovery Observations of
MASTER OT J051032.58-6921

"... The star was severely saturated in the image
acquired on 2016 April 28.97626 UT, meaning
it was brighter than I=11 mag. The last pre-
eruption image was taken eight nights earlier
(on April 21.00403 UT).
The progenitor was clearly visible in the OGLE
images ... and showed eclipsing-like variability
with a period of 2.6508 +/- 0.0002 d. ..."

Full text (ATel #9040):


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