(cba:news) March stars (Joe Patterson) [2016-03-01T13:58:41Z]
Dear CBAers,
The new month brings retirements.
BH Lyn. Done for the year. Great orbital light curve, but the
superhumps have vanished.
HZ Puppis. Done for the month. A few nights in April would be nice, to
nail down the year-to-year cycle count.
T Pyx. Paper finally submitted to MNRAS. Should be on astro-ph today.
Whew! A 10-year effort... slowed by laziness, greed, and the 2011
V902 Mon. A really strange star. Catalogued as an eclipsing DQ Her
star, and we have some fine light curves. But by my reckoning, the fast
signals are *exactly* at the 6th and 13rd harmonics of the orbital
frequency - and at no other harmonic. Now *that's* a doozy! We'll pick
it up next year, and get a sharper test of just how exact this weird
coincidence is.
And some other stars which very much need coverage now:
Swift J0503.7-2819. It's magnitude 18.4 and out of season, so won't be
popular. But a week of coverage now would be mighty nice!
Swift J0939.7-3224. A long-Porb DQ Her star, at 17.3 not so
unreasonable to cover. But the long period (>8 hours) requires long
runs AND well-separated longitudes, and so far we have only Gordon in
eastern Australia. Definitely a fine target for other longitudes!
Swift J0820.6-2805. Don't know much about this one yet. Only Gordon
has tried it so far. Still hoping we can learn something about this
guy, but it's 18.4.
AM CVn. Recent coverage has been good - keep it up, as *dense* coverage
is ideal for disentangling the complex period structure.
Now some of the older DQs:
WX Pyx. Definitely! One of the most mysterious, and practically no
published data on it.
V647 Aur, V667 Pup, MU Cam, and especially DW Cnc. All needing coverage
to establish long-term period evolution.
No actual dwarf novae in this message, and I'm also skipping a few
novalikes only because I haven't studied the data. Perhaps Enrique will
supplement this message with some of the stars I've missed (AT Cnc?)
The last message also contains some useful info (esp. the
Halpern-Thorstensen paper)
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