Hi Tom,No, I'd say PQ Gem and Swif0732 (and BG CMi) are now well taken care of *early* in the observing season. We can furlough 'em till late in their observing seasons - basically meaning March I'd say.
While the really compelling target now is the new dwarf nova in Psc (OT0120), two targets which are now extremely well placed in the sky are FY Per (12th mag) and FS Aur (15-16). Both need long runs - definitely >3 hrs, and prefer much longer. Both are stars which have stymied us in the past - and now that it's a fresh observing season, let's solve them at last. FY Per is the most mysterious, with a transient 1.5 hour wave of an unknown nature (and a 6 hr Porb). Hardly anyone ever mentions it. A filter is (almost) mandatory on this one; V filter would be the best choice. It's no barn-burner - just a few hundredths of a mag; but I think it'll yield if we can patch together Euro and USA data.
For DQ Her stars, the more ambitious among you should try HT Cam and WX Pyx. Mighty faint, but these stars don't require the long runs, and can make use of mediocre conditions. Stars that nobody keeps track of but us, so we better get it right.
joe On 12/13/2010 2:11 PM, Tom Krajci wrote:
Swift0732-13 gets too low in the morning, so I have an hour I can devote to PQ Gem, like I did last night. Do you still want data on that star? I've been doing Sloan r'...is that acceptable? Tom Krajci Cloudcroft, NM