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(cba:news) OT J020804.2+373217 = Catalina transient (Joe Patterson) [2010-12-09T02:53:25Z]

Dear CBAers,

Two objects - at least - have become really star attractions in the night sky. One is this new transient described below (and in the CSS data). At 15th magnitude and with fast, large amplitude variations, it will surely be a fascinating target - and likely a star of great astrophysical interest.

The new dwarf nova in Pisces is also a winner. The periodic signals seem now to have mutated into common superhumps. Though "common", they're of large amplitude and - if covered extensively by our time-series photometry - will convey a lot of information about the structure of the accretion disks.

It would also be mighty nice to know if FS Aur has finally, after all these years of false alarms and inexplicable periods, managed to stage an actual superoutburst. There have been threats, but none have panned out. It did rise to 14th magnitude a few days ago - what about now?

As for priorities, I'd give CSS0208 and the Pisces dwarf nova pretty much the highest possible rating. Fire away unfiltered - best to maximize signal-to-noise on these guys. If still bright, FS Aur is mighty interesting too; but it has disappointed many times, so there's some burden of proof there.

The American Astronomical Society and AAVSO will be having a joint meeting in Boston during May 22-26, 2011. This is to give you early warning that we'll have a CBA meeting coincident with that too (rather than at SAS in California). I hope this can attract some of our European members. More details later... but I strongly encourage non-AAVSO members to first join the AAVSO. This will get you a much lower registration fee for the AAS meeting... and we'd fit in well with the AAVSOers anyway. So - that makes it official.


OT J020804.2+373217 = Catalina transient

   CRTS detected (=CSS101207:020804+373217) a potentially interesting
outbursting object.  Has an X-ray counterpart and relatively large
intranight variation.  A blue object in quiescence.

1012071380104223832 2010-12-07T05:50:59 2010-12-07T05:32:57 02 08 04.23 +37 32 16.6 15.08 15.34 15.34 15.47 http://nesssi.cacr.caltech.edu/catalina/20101207/1012071380104223832.html

020802.5 +373235 (2000.0) 1RXS-F_J020802.6+373236 0.030 1.00 0.06