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(cba:news) Fwd: Re: Eruption of an 8th mag DN at 100 pc (Joe Patterson) [2019-07-13T18:57:07Z]

Hi (northern) CBAers,

This looks like a great summer object for study!

joe p,

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Subject: Re: Eruption of an 8th mag DN at 100 pc

Additional info:


Progenitor is 18th mag blue object!

On 13/07/2019 17:42, Christian Knigge wrote:
In case you hadn't seen it yet



I may be able to do something for this next week, but perhaps some of you can react more quickly. I'd think anything would be useful -- optical, UV, X-ray...

Radio is already being asked for, I believe.



Professor Christian Knigge
Physics & Astronomy
University of Southampton
Southampton SO17 1BJ

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