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(cba:news) HP Lib (only) (Joe Patterson) [2019-07-05T12:18:09Z]

Hi CBAers,

The HP Lib campaign is almost finished. The main result has emerged: 0.08 mag superhump and 0.003 mag (peak-to-trough!) orbital signal, with the latter certified as orbital because of its high phase stability (over at least 4 years). And amazingly low erratic variability on long (night-to-night) and short ("flickering") timescales. A true twin of AM CVn in all these respects (and others).

This was the most difficult measurement I have ever made. The sought-after signal is down by 30x in amplitude (and thus 900x in power) from the nearby superhump signal, which inevitably is surrounded by aliases. Often a long campaign ends on a note of "we'll do better next year". This time, it ended - or shortly will end - on a note of "Wow!"

We need 2 more weeks to lengthen the baseline now, to connect to next February's time series, which will put the yearly cycle count beyond doubt (for that 2020 observation, we need only measure the *phase*, not an independent period). Right now there's an obvious best candidate for the precise period, but we'd like to upgrade from "best candidate" to "proven".

So... two more weeks - and at lest two northerners (Tonny and Shawn D.) have successfully coped with the evening twilight and southern dec, and contributed important time series. So think about it. And for southerners: get thee to a telescope (although, granted, you already have; Berto, Gordon, and Josch get the Medal of Honor on this one).


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