(cba:news) Fwd: (cba:chat) ASASSN-18ey brightening (Joe Patterson) [2019-03-11T14:09:47Z]
Whoa! Hard as it is (because of the airmass in March), see what you get
on this apparent "rebrightening"!
joe p
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: (cba:chat) ASASSN-18ey brightening
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2019 09:00:04 -0500
From: Joe Ulowetz <joe700a@xxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: cba-chat@xxxxxxxxxxx
To: cba-chat@xxxxxxxxxxx
I measured ASASSN-18ey at mag 15.474 this morning, about 2 magnitudes
brighter then I've seen it the past 2 months. It was 17.177 just 4 days ago.
-Joe U.
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