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(cba:news) Fwd: Re: (cba:chat) CR Boo faint (Joe Patterson) [2018-03-22T12:07:39Z]

Hi CBAers,

CR Boo at 16.7 is a RARE opportunity, and it's available to both hemispheres for lengthy observation. It's an urgent priority now.  There's not much historical evidence about the duration of these low states - maybe only a few days.  It's a get-thee-to-a-telescope moment.  The main periodicity is near 25 minutes, so you don't have any special constraints about integration time.

joe p

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Re: (cba:chat) CR Boo faint
Date: 	Thu, 22 Mar 2018 02:00:43 -0400
From: 	Shawn Dvorak <sdvorak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: 	cba-chat@xxxxxxxxxxx
To: 	cba-chat@xxxxxxxxxxx

I'm not sure if CR Boo is still an object of interest, but it's
currently in a low state. I just measured it (05:45 UT) at v=16.7. I'm
going to go ahead and follow it until it gets too late, so I should be
about 4.5 hours of data.


On 05/30/2017 12:40 PM, Joe Patterson wrote:
16.0 isn't quite DefCon 5, but it's at least DefCon 3.  I've only personally seen it once that faint in a few hundred hours of observing, and I only had a spectrograph on the telescope that night.  Good (at least) target for all known hemispheres.

And for spectroscopy too, if those people are reading.

joe p

On 5/30/2017 9:42 AM, Joe Ulowetz wrote:
Last night CR Boo was around mag 16.0.  It isn't quite to the mag 17 level that Joe P. said constituted an alert for this star, but it is fainter than the mag 14-15 that I usually see it at.

It seemed to be brightening slightly toward the end of the night.

Joe U.

Inline image 1

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