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(cba:news) northern old novae (Joe Patterson) [2017-11-16T18:15:57Z]

More on the "old nova" project...

Enrique has obtained a week of coverage on V Per. At 18.5, it's a very challenging target. Still, some USA observers could handle it, and that would provide the longitude span that enables us to do sensitive period search. For the next 1-3 weeks, it's a very good target for the ambitious. I can see now that the orbital period is stable, which was my #1 question, but the other questions - superhumps, orbital waves, and past periods - are still up in the air.

DN Gem and DM Gem are 16th magnitude old novae that are inadequately studied. Red meat for us! - especially DN since its orbital period is "known" to be pretty short (3 hours).

And in the south, HZ Pup and T Pyx are good choices, having finally poked out from behind the Sun.

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