But time resolution is a somewhat bigger problem. Everything happens fast with this star, so we have to keep integrations short.
The star is still 2 mag above minimum light, and re-brightenings - even second outbursts - are still possible. We must keep going on this unique star (only known Pop II star among the ~1000 known CVs). S/N around 10-15 is just fine. By superposing the various light curves ("crowdsourcing") we're managing to get excellent data from these various runs at S/N~15... and at least delineating the walls of the sharp-walled eclipse.
We also have occasional opportunities for pot-shots with 1-meter telescopes, later in May and June. Mainly through John Thorstensen and Matt Wood. Let's stay good buddies with this star!
I'll present results-to-date at the SAS/AAVSO meeting (Ontario, California) in mid-June, and hope to see a bunch of you there!
joe p On 4/27/2017 8:01 PM, Shawn Dvorak wrote:
I got fairly good data last night, but it's getting a bit faint for high(ish) cadence observations. I ran with 45 sec exposures with a clear filter, and I was missing the lower parts of the eclipse - it's getting down around 18.5 now. I'll have to increase exposure time, or move on to other objects until/if a rebrightening occurs. Shawn ____________________________________________________________ Center for Backyard Astrophysics (CBA) mailing lists https://cbastro.org/communications/mailing-lists/
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