A reminder on DQ Her: It is pretty bright, and also has deep eclipses -
but -- there are circumstances which 15 - 20 sec image times will show
the rotation of the WD - 71 sec. I suppose you could vary the CCD
sampling times to coincide with the brightness of the system to get both
periods well.
On Mon, May 30, 2016 at 9:14 PM, Joe Patterson <jop@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:jop@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
I think LX Ser and V380 Oph are the prime evening+ northern stars -
both admittedly "fishing expeditions", but that's about half of what
we do. DQ Her also - far from a fishing expedition. We'd like to
get coverage on it similar to what we got on UX UMa.
Lots of really good morning targets, and prime season for the south
with all those Sgr-Sco novae finally coming into view.
On 5/30/2016 4:11 PM, Michael J. Cook, Newcastle Observatory wrote:
Any priority of the May/June stars on the target list?
Michael J. Cook
CBA: Ontario
MPC: H61
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