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(cba:news) px and, and quit on RW Tri (Joe Patterson) [2015-11-19T02:59:47Z]
I just wanted to second Enrique's request re PX And. We've had some
success on this star, but only once in previous seasons saw the positive
and negative superhumps simultaneously - the first year, when our lack
of multiple longitudes made the conclusions iffy. This is our chance to
nail it down.
The RW Tri is really good - so good that we've just about reached the
sensitivity of our telescopes and longitude distribution. Short of
someone moving to Asia or hijacking the Kepler telescope, we've reached
our limit.
I hope LT Eri and V1294 Tau can get some love now. Faint but rewarding!
Continuing on our long and fruitful work on the SW Sexers (certified and
candidate), here are four guys promising for search: AT Cnc, AC Cnc,
HS0455+83 and HS0220+06. None yet merits a general call, but take a few
nights and see what pops up.
And it's time to fire up TV Col - mainly for southern observers, but at
-32 it's a candidate for some northern observers (e.g. southern USA,
*unless* Josch or Arto adopts it.
Back from the AAVSO meeting, more after I catch up with work.....
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