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(cba:news) some new and old targets (Joe Patterson) [2015-09-13T03:41:30Z]

Yes, QU Vul is a bridge too far for most, or maybe all, of you. Not a particularly good suggestion on my part! QR And, ES Cet, and V455 And would be better investments, plus V1101 Aql. Early-season observations of V418 Gem, V405 Aur, and V647 Aur would also be very welcome, plus "Paloma" and FS Aur.

Which all implies that both LQ Peg and IGR J1955+00 should be retired.
Great campaigns on both!

Not meant to be a full review. Still in Italy with only sporadic internet and running strictly on batteries. Back Tuesday.


On 9/12/2015 6:27 PM, Lew Cook wrote:
Unless it has had an outburst, QU Vul is faint, but if you can get to
19, go for it! I tried and VPhot confused QU Vul with its brighter
companion. That 15.1 star is only 7" N of QU. I couldn't see it -
probably because I had poor focus and bad collimation at the time.


On Sat, Sep 12, 2015 at 12:56 AM, Michael J. Cook, Newcastle Observatory
<mailto:michael.cook@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:


    Hi Jim,

    I think I'll get on Qu Vul (top priority from Joe P.). The other
    September menu stars are more faint anyway. I'm wondering how much
    longer we need to be on LQ Peg. Looks like another week.


    Michael J. Cook

    CBA: Ontario
    MPC: H61

    *Web Site:*  http://www.newcastleobservatory.ca
    *Twitter:*  https://twitter.com/newcastleobserv
    *FaceBook:*  https://www.facebook.com/michael.cook.9406
    *Skype:*  newcastleobservatory

    On 2015-09-11 17:32, Jim Jones wrote:

    Hi Mike

    I've had a nice 5 or 6 nights and am hoping for 3 or 4 more but
    fall is definitely here.

    What are you doing after you shut down on LQ Peg?  I hate to waste
    a couple of hours of photons so have been grabbing V405  Aur.
    It's only recommendation was that it was an IP that was handy.
    Kinda boring though.

    Jim Jones

    On 9/11/2015 1:09 PM, Michael J. Cook, Newcastle Observatory wrote:

    I did manage to get nearly 6 hrs on LQ Peg last night.


    Michael J. Cook

    CBA: Ontario
    MPC: H61

    WEB SITE:http://www.newcastleobservatory.ca
    SKYPE: newcastleobservatory

    On 2015-09-08 12:30, Michael J. Cook, Newcastle Observatory wrote:

    Hi Enrique,

    I wasn't able to get on LQ Peg because of cloudy skies. The forecast looks like I may get back o it Wednesday and/or Thursday night.


    Michael J. Cook

    CBA: Ontario
    MPC: H61

    WEB SITE:http://www.newcastleobservatory.ca
    SKYPE: newcastleobservatory

    On 2015-09-07 20:10, Enrique de Miguel wrote:

    Are you with LQ Peg tonight?


    On Sep 8, 2015, at 1:56 AM, Michael J. Cook, Newcastle Observatory wrote:

    Ok, I'll keep at it and check in another week from now. I just submitted data from a time-series run taken last night (Sep 6/7).


    Michael J. Cook

    CBA: Ontario
    MPC: H61

    WEB SITE:http://www.newcastleobservatory.ca  [1]
    GOOGLE+:https://plus.google.com/u/0/104889693035082401323  [2]
    TWITTER:https://twitter.com/newcastleobserv  [3]
    FACEBOOK:https://www.facebook.com/michael.cook.9406  [4]
    SKYPE: newcastleobservatory

    On 2015-09-07 01:42, Joe Patterson wrote:

    Oh yes, still a good target!

    joe p

    On 9/6/2015 10:15 PM, Michael J. Cook, Newcastle Observatory wrote:
    I'm on LQ Peg right now. Joe Patterson's August 29 menu said: "LQ Peg. Very impressive light curve, and worth continuing for at least another week. Just a single period (2.99 hrs) evident so far, but hints that some more subtle structure may emerge with more work." Should I continue on this target past tonight? Joe said continue for "at least another week". -- Michael J. Cook AAVSO: CMJA CBA: Ontario MPC: H61 *Web Site:*http://www.newcastleobservatory.ca  [6] *Google+*:https://plus.google.com/u/0/104889693035082401323  [2] *Twitter:*https://twitter.com/newcastleobserv  [3] *FaceBook:*https://www.facebook.com/michael.cook.9406  [4] *Skype:* newcastle
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