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(cba:news) ER UMa, DI UMa, V1159 Ori, T Pyx, AQ Men, Nova Mon 2012 (Joe Patterson) [2013-12-30T01:02:35Z]

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joe p
                                                        Dec. 28, 2013.

Dear CBAers,

  Time for an end-of-year update.

  Last time, we showed the exit to V339 Del, BY Cam, almost AH Men...
and screamed for observations of BZ Cam.  Those adieus still apply, and
now we're also ready to say goodbye to BZ Cam.  The response has been
tremendous, with Bill Stein, David Cejudo, Ken Menzies, and Marlin Costello
adding to the previous cast of perpetrators (Enrique, Tut, Joe U, Bob Koff).
We now have covered 32 nights, with many nights of 10-15 hours duration.
That's enough for a Kepler-quality decoding of the periodic signals, and I
can see now why I was so confused in our 1996 paper.  In frequency units, the
star has three periodic signals: worb+N, worb-A, worb, and probably N -
where N and A are putative frequencies of precession.  Continued coverage
would increase accuracy and test for changes... but I suspect the
additional science returns would be better if we now turned to other ripe
targets in the January sky.  Let's abandon it until the bright-Moon periods
in January and February.

  Also time to abandon AH Men.  We have enough this year to complete our
study.  Several stable frequencies, looking very much like BZ Cam, too.

  V1159 Ori is going well.  Long time series aren't mandatory for this
one, though they definitely help.  We expect to keep going for another 1-2

  We still need some USA coverage of ER UMa (see cba-chat from Enrique).
And speaking of the ER UMa class - which has been so good to us! - one
of its enigmatic members is DI UMa, which we would like to do a full
campaign on it in January, with extensive USA and Europe coverage.  It
conflicts with ER UMa, so let's start on DI UMa when Enrique lowers the
priority on ER UMa.

  Then there's Nova Mon 2012.  We'd like to track this guy for a few weeks -
sufficient to define the orbital waveform at this time.  About 15.5 now,
I believe.  Porb is about 7 hours, so long runs are very good - but not
absolutely mandatory.  With coverage from USA and Europe, and already
knowing the period to some precision, we can live with somewhat shorter

  In the south, it's T Pyx and CP Pup season.  But perhaps before
starting on them in earnest, it would be best to concentrate on AQ Men
very hard.  So far Gordon has been basically carrying the water.  AQ
Men should be an easy target, and it's definitely all-night eligible.

  Two stars which (I think) have dived down to very low states, probably
near 20th magnitude: KR Aur and WX Pyx.  We'll be studying them soon at
MDM... but it would be great to know their magnitudes now.

SHORTER OBSERVATIONS.  *Most* of the intermediate polars (DQ Her stars)
are still good targets, with the exception of BG CMi (32-year ephemeris
nailed down).  Particularly good targets are PQ Gem, HT Cam, V1033 Cas,
V515 And, WX Pyx, and especially V667 Pup (Swif0732-13).  These stars
have had little recent coverage, and we may be losing track of their phase.

joe p

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