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Re: (cba:news) (cba:chat) CP Eri in superoutburst (Joe Patterson) [2013-10-05T09:18:45Z]

Hi Bill et al.,

We haven't observed CP Eri in a long time. But in the past, we used a 15th mag comparison star 60" E and 64" N from CP Eri. Color a tad red, but not unacceptably so. Others are ok too, as usual, if they're appropriately bright. Remember it'll fade a few magnitudes, so the very bright comps won't be suitable.


We've only caught the superhumps in their full glory on one night. And they're critical - superhumps in AM CVn stars are mighty rare!

On 10/5/2013 4:57 AM, Bill Stein wrote:

Enrique - I am observing CP Eri now,  However, I do not see an AAVSO
sequence.  Any recommendations?


William L. Stein
Las Cruces, NM

-----Original Message-----
From: cba-chat-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cba-chat-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Enrique de Miguel
Sent: Friday, October 04, 2013 7:44 PM
To: cba-chat@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: (cba:chat) CP Eri in superoutburst

CP Eri is currently at mean 16.5 mag and showing clear superhumps of
~0.10-0.12 mag full amplitude.

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