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(cba:news) V1084 Her, no; V503 Cyg, V1432 Aql si; plus the DQ Hers (Joe Patterson) [2012-05-31T21:11:16Z]

Dear CBAers,

A few notes before starting my trip home.

I've studied the V1084 Her data (mostly Tom). Flickers like crazy, but the periodic signal was invisible despite the very good quality of the data. Time to quit.

Let's start the season on V503 Cyg and V1432 Aql. For the latter, an asynchronous polar, we're trying to measure the changing period of the photometric wave that signifies rotation. That will yield the timescale for synchronization - thought to be a few hundred years, but not decisively specified by observation. It takes pretty long seasonal coverage to completely rule out cycle-count ambiguities - so let's start! You probably need 3-hour time series, but there's no great advantage in going longer.

The same type of program is appropriate for V503 Cyg, but of course the motivation is vastly different. It's a borderline ER UMa star, and likely to erupt in the next 2 weeks. We especially favor time series in superoutburst (positive superhump guaranteed) and quiescence (negative superhump very likely). The fast up-and-down stuff the ER UMas sometimes throw at you - usually in the range 15-16 - is of lower priority; it can be hard to extract periodic signals during these phases. In fact, it would be very good to keep a close eye on the THREE borderline ER UMa guys: V503 Cyg, SS UMi, and IX Dra - and send any detection of (super)outburst or deep quiescence to cba-chat.

And it's the season for DQ Hers. Everyone observing these should become familiar with Koji Mukai's intermediate polar web-page. It lists all the stars, with lots of useful info. Pick out a nice star for your latitude and time of night, make sure it's optically bright enough (they mostly are, but check to be sure), and get a 2-3 hour light curve. Unlike our usual programs, there's no great advantage in concentrating on one star for many successive nights. Spread the wealth - the purpose here is to establish a long-term O-C, so steady light pressure on these stars is just fine. BTW add one important one to the list: RXJ1654-19. And I hope australites will nail EX Hya for a final end-of-season observation.
