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(cba:news) Fwd: Re: BW SCL bright outburst (v=9.6)! (Joe Patterson) [2011-10-21T12:15:45Z]

OK - thanks Matt. Ye australites, time to call in sick!


Watch for saturation. If you have a V or g filter, use it - it'll help with saturation issues, subdue or eliminate differential extinction, and put the data on a known standard magnitude system.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: (cba:news) BW SCL bright outburst  (v=9.6)!
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2011 07:54:15 -0400 (EDT)
From: Matthew Templeton <matthewt@xxxxxxxxx>
To: Joe Patterson <jop@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
CC: arne@xxxxxxxxx


It was confirmed by Alan Plummer.

We've got a Special Notice in the bullpen, but we need to get a sequence
ready first.  Working on it now.
