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(cba:news) Fwd: [baavss-alert] OT J022732.9+130617 : eclipsing polar (Joe Patterson) [2011-02-16T10:18:33Z]

This star is way out of season, but eclipsing polars are extremely rare and valuable - so let's give Arto some fine data!


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[baavss-alert] OT J022732.9+130617 : eclipsing polar
Date: 	Wed, 16 Feb 2011 11:13:06 +0200
From: 	Arto Oksanen <arto.oksanen@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: 	baavss-alert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: 	BAAVSS alert <baavss-alert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hello from freezing cold Finland!

I am looking for another observer for this interesting though quite
challenging target. I have observed three eclipses on three nights and
it looks like the orbital period is 3.8 hours. As the star is rather
low on the evening sky it is difficult to cover two eclipses on single
site, so another observer few hours West from Finland would be very
helpful. If my prediction holds there should be an eclipse tonight at
20:15 UTC. The star is around mag 16 outside the eclipse and invisible
when eclipsed. The eclipse duration is roughly 15 minutes.

best regards,

Arto Oksanen
arto.oksanen@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:arto.oksanen%40jklsirius.fi>
Muurame, Finland

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ohshima <ohshima@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 2011/2/14
Subject: [vsnet-alert 12855] OT J022732.9+130617 : eclipsing polar
To: variable_star_forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
vsnet-alert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:vsnet-alert%40yahoogroups.com>,
vsnet-newvar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:vsnet-newvar%40yahoogroups.com>

OT J022732.9+130617 : eclipsing polar

  We have received this new object observations from Arto Oksanen.
According to this data, ~ 2 mag eclipse is apparently seen though
the exact period cannot be obtained yet.

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