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(cba:news) Fwd: Re: ER UMa shows the way... (Joe Patterson) [2011-02-07T16:10:44Z]

Hi CBAers,

Just got this from Arek Olech. So make sure to send your time-series data to him (olech@xxxxxxxxxxx)!


-------- Original Message --------
Return-Path: <olech@xxxxxxxxxxx>

On Mon, Feb 07, 2011 at 09:50:36AM -0500, Joe Patterson wrote:

2. Let's put YZ Cnc on the program.  A bright borderline ER UMa star
which CBA has never done.  Especially in quiescence, but maybe all the time.

Hi Joe,

We are covering YZ Cnc using telesopes in Poland and Turkey with
significant help of Enrique and Bob Koff. It was in superoutburst in the
midle of December. The next superoutburst is scheduled for end of March
2011 with good Moon contitions.
