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(cba:news) cba august targets del norte, mainly (Joe Patterson) [2010-08-15T09:04:52Z]

Dear CBAers,

Lots of great data coming in this month! WZ Sge, Cep 1, and FO Aqr are getting really good coverage, for which I'm grateful. Bill Goff has apparently got that cloudless CA weather machine going. I had forgotten to mention V592 Her last message, which maybe is why our campaign on that star is a little weaker - plenty enough to keep cycle count (the most critical thing) but not yet enough to parse fine structure in the superhumps - which could reveal the elusive Porb. So it's worth saying: V592 Her continues to be a fine and important target, as long as you can still get good data on it.

On the other hand, Hercules is a fading enterprise... and it's quite possible that patching together 3-hour runs, even a lot of them, may prove insufficient. Since long runs on (almost) any star are greatly preferred, you might want to forget Hercules and concentrate on some other excellent August targets. It's kind of an all-in or all-out situation... take yer pick.

The coverage on FO Aqr and AO Psc is superb, and we can suspend those stars until roughly October. Thanks to Tut and George for all those great runs! I'd love to see more and longer runs on WZ Sge and Cep 1... and would like to revive OT2138+26 (the bright optical transient in Pegasus during May 2010). If the star is now at quiescence, that would be great, since we've been waiting for that... and if it's still ravaged by superhumps, well that would be mighty interesting too!

Partially due to XMM1151-62, I'm inspired to raise our effort on the recent "old novae"... and that means V4743 Sgr and V1494 Aql. Both of these are faint, kind of hard to do, but they both contain - or recently contained - strong supersoft X-ray sources which should endow their light curves with nice periodic signals. OK, maybe not that nice, with the stars being so faint... but periodic signals nonetheless. See if you can get 'em when you get a break from Moon, clouds, and other potential hazards.
