(cba:news) possible outburst of SDSS J225749.54-082228.7 (Joe Patterson) [2010-01-09T16:13:02Z]
Hi CBAers,
Gracious. Another strange one - possibly like KT Eri = Nova Eri 09.
This one has a pretty good chance of being a dwarf nova, though.
Let us know what you manage to learn about it. What's the rough color?
Does it vary on a short timescale? - those might well be the strongest
clues (with "blue" and "yes" being the choices indicating something like
a DN).
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [vsnet-outburst 10891] possible outburst of SDSS
J225749.54-082228.7: new CV or nova?
Date: Sat, 9 Jan 2010 21:26:54 +0900 (JST)
From: Hitoshi Yamaoka <yamaoka@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: vsnet-outburst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
CC: yamaoka@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi all,
I have submitted the report below to the CBAT.
Itagaki-san reported his detection of an apparent new stellar object
(unfiltered mag 13.0) on Jan. 9.430 UT. He reported the position as
R.A. = 22h57m49s.57, Decl. = -08d22'27".9. It should be an outburst
of a star SDSS J225749.54-082228.7, which is tabled in some catalogs
(USNO A2.0, USNO B1.0, GSC 2.3 and so on) as a star with mag about 20.
Like as KT Eri, the amplitude of seven magnitudes is rather large for
a dwarf nova, but somewhat small for a rapid classical nova.
Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu Univ., Japan
yamaoka@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <- changed!