Dear CBAers,As we've come to suspect/learn over the last 15 years, the helium CVs have their own outbursts too, and with a morphology that might be very similar to their H-rich cousins. But these stars are so few in number that a star's first well-observed outburst is pretty big news - and an excellent reason to pounce!
joe -------- Original Message -------- Subject: [vsnet-alert 11702] SDSS J012940.05+384210.4 outburst confirmed Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2009 20:06:02 +0900 From: Hiroyuki Maehara <mira@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>To: vsnet-alert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, vsnet-campaign-dn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, vsnet-newvar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, vsnet-outburst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
References: <E1NEvDs-0004oU-8M@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> I confirmed an outburst of SDSS J012940.05+384210.4. Time-resolved observation is in progress. SDSSJ012940.05+384210.4 20091130.39918 150C Mhh.VSOLJ On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 10:38:40, Taichi Kato wrote:
According to Jeremy Shears (baavss-alert message), the suspected AM CVn-type CV SDSS J012940.05+384210.4 may be undergoing an outburst. The spectrum (Anderson et al. 2005 AJ 130, 2230) showed He I emission lines (not very strong). Confirmatory observations and time-resolved photometry is encouraged. === SDSS J012940.05+384210.4 Nov 29.045 14.5C Outburst needs confirming, please, as it was on a single BRT image which was not fully focused