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(cba:news) BW Scl and V455 And, mainly (Joe Patterson) [2009-08-24T14:11:34Z]
Dear CBAers,
The dwarf novae of mid-August have dropped off the radar. We managed to
track some of 'em (1610+09 and 2230-14), while others (2100+00) were
just too faint. Wipe 'em out.
The prime southern object for the next few weeks should be BW Scl =
RX2353-38. This object is about V=16.5, but it has large-amplitude
signals at the orbital and one other frequency (of unknown origin)...
plus a superhump signal that pops up every so often, not associated with
any outburst. In fact, no outburst has ever been observed from this
star. It is one of the burned-out CVs which has been a major topic of
research in recent years - sometimes called the WZ Sagittae stars. We
manage to do very well with this star - make it a regular feature of
your August and September nights!
In the north, the bookended star is V455 And = HS2331+39. Practically
everything I just wrote applies to this star also! Except that one
outburst finally did occur, in 2007. It's now just a tad above
quiescence at 16.5, but has some very strong periodic signals, and will
greatly reward your time. We expect to have some time also at
professional telescopes (SAAO and KPNO) during the next week on both
stars, so that will boost the value of the global coverage.
The DQ Her stars remain valuable, except V1223 Sgr, which has had enough
coverage to pin down the period change. Especially RX1803+40=Her,
RX0022+61=IGR0023+61=Cas... and AO Psc and FO Aqr as the easy bright
targets. The latter two are the ideal targets for people starting out
in this enterprise (of which we have several this month).
Finally, a meetings reminder. We'll meet again in Big Bear along with
SAS (the astro club, not the airline) in late May 2010. It's possible
we'll have a small session of our own, so people can give talks about
their own setup - not just the big more scientifically oriented talks
which are the main element of the meeting. In addition, there's a AAS
meeting in Boston in late May 2011, where there's likely to be a pro-am
research section where we - and more importantly, individual CBAers -
could play a role and meet each other. In both cases, I promise to
organize some social functions outside the confines of the meeting (and
not just golf).
Happy observing!