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(cba:news) V2491 Cyg (Joe Patterson) [2008-06-05T19:49:14Z]
Dear CBAers,
There's quite an interesting new nova in the morning sky this month (and
last): V2491 Cyg, at 19h 43m 2.1s +32d 19m 12.8s. It has become a
supersoft source, and my guess is that it's powering a nice orbital
signal around now (or perhaps in a few weeks)... from reprocessing in
the atmosphere of the orbiting secondary. Let's have a look and see!
A few nights of light curve will suffice... and if the answer's no, try
again in a month. Nice experiment - the WD-facing hemisphere of the
secondary acts as a "bolometer" for the hot WD.
GW Lib and SDSS1627+12 continue to be excellent targets, too!