(cba:news) NYTimes.com: Smaller Version of the Solar System Is Discovered (Joe Patterson) [2008-02-15T09:52:02Z]
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Here's a recent (today's New York Times) discussion of finding planets by microlensing, using round-the-world photometric coverage -- with Jennie and Grant figuring prominently in the discovery. Another such article, discussing the CBA data of the fall 06 campaign (the "Halloween transient") - esp. the contributions of Tom Krajci and Bob Koff - is about to come out in ApJ and in Sky and Telescope. Pretty interesting stuff... joe
SCIENCE / SPACE & COSMOS | February 15, 2008
Smaller Version of the Solar System Is Discovered
Astronomers have found a miniature version of our own solar system 5,000 light years across the galaxy — the first planetary system that really looks like our own.
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