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(cba:news) data-taking issues (Joe Patterson) [2007-04-16T15:16:02Z]

Dear CBAers,

Back in NYC now, anxious to look at that great data for BZ UMa and GW Lib. Best targets in a couple years, except maybe for the Halloween transient.

Both stars are pretty bright, and you'll need to think about saturation.
Some people are fighting this with filters (generally, V filter recommended)... some with short exposures... and some with stopped-down telescopes. One of these should work for you.

In general, superhumps and orbital humps have a color similar to the star's mean color - hence the amplitude in near-optical passbands (BVRI) tends to be similar. This is one of the reasons we've tended to recommend unfiltered photometry: the extra information from filtering isn't worth the lowered signal-to-noise. But this isn't true for all stars, and for most stars it has not been studied and hence isn't known one way or the other. I'd find it very interesting if ANY superhumper showed a large color effect; superhumps come from heating effects, and thermal processes at the relevant temperatures (c. 15000 K) are pretty white. But that's just theory; it is well worth a filtered study if you have the filters and can still get good signal-to-noise. V-I or B-I are good choices (we want a good range in central wavelength, but can't afford the variable atmospheric transmission typical of U).

BTW these pooh-poohs of filtered photometry don't apply to the DQ Her stars (intermediate polars). There the origin of the pulsed light is an open question: it could well be a magnetic process (cyclotron radiation), which can be a very strange color, and is somewhat commonly very red. PQ Gem is an example of this. Not much is known about this, because extensive multicolor photometry isn't obtained for most DQ Hers. An interesting project, perhaps.

Have a wonderful time with these two grand new superhumpers!
