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(cba:news) Suspected New Dwarf Nova in Cam (fwd) (Joe Patterson) [2006-12-18T12:41:25Z]

Dear CBAers,

This looks like an awfully interesting object, and beautifully placed in the sky for northern observers. Acquire in the evening, and let 'er rip!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2006 23:19:57 -0000
From: David Boyd <drsboyd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: cba-chat@xxxxxxxxxxx
To: cba-chat@xxxxxxxxxxx, thorsten@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: BAAVSS alert <baavss-alert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    cba-news <cba-news@xxxxxxxxxxx>, cvnet-outburst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: (cba:chat) Re: (cba:news) Suspected New Dwarf Nova in Cam

Using Astrometrica and USNO-B1.0 I've obtained the following mean position (with std errors) from 5 of my images taken on 2006 Dec 17 between 18.42 and 18.47UT.

RA 5:57:18.468 ±0.003    Dec 68:32:27.01±0.02

David Boyd

----- Original Message ----- From: <thorsten@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <cba-chat@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "BAAVSS alert" <baavss-alert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; "cba-news" <cba-news@xxxxxxxxxxx>; <cvnet-outburst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2006 10:13 PM
Subject: Re: (cba:news) Suspected New Dwarf Nova in Cam

Hello all,

Just a remark -- it would be useful if someone could do astrometry
on an outburst image, so that the quiescent counterpart can be
identified with confidence once the object fades.  I may be able
to get some large-telescope images in January to accomplish this.

John Thorstensen

On Sun, 17 Dec 2006, David Boyd wrote:

I was able to observe this object for 2hrs using unfiltered CCD photometry on a 0.35m SCT before clouds intervened. It showed superhump-like modulations with an amplitude of 0.2 magnitudes and a period, according to Peranso, of 0.052+/-0.007days. The mean magnitude was approx 14.85. It appears to be another UGSU type dwarf nova.

David Boyd
West Challow, UK

  ----- Original Message -----   From: sn2005cs
  To: cvnet-outburst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2006 6:31 PM
  Subject: [cvnet-outburst] Fwd: Suspect on New Dwarf Nova


  Dear colleagues,

  I obtained V and B magnitudes of this object as follows:

  object YYYYMMDD(UT) mag code
  OT_J055718++683226 20061217.62573 14.95V Mhh.VSOLJ
  OT_J055718++683226 20061217.62839 15.11B Mhh.VSOLJ

  A USNO B1 star is located close to this object:
  USNO-B1.0 1585-0088462 RA=05 57 18.45 Dec=+68 32 26.9 B1=19.04

  A ROSAT X-ray source 1RXS J055722.9+683219 is located at about
  0.4 arcmin east from this object.

  This object seems to be a new dwarf nova.

  Hiroyuki Maehara


  Dear Wolfgang Kloehr,

  I have taken 60 s exposures (in Ic band) with the 14 inch telescope
  and confirmed the presence of the object.

  As you note, the faint counterpart seems to be present in the DSS2

  Ken'ichi Torii


  >> Dear List,
  >> i'd like to report a possible new object ~Mag 15.2CR at Ra.:
  >> Dec.: +68 :32 :26 from 2006-12-16 03:54:58 UT.
  >> Image and data are here:
  >> http://www.dsi-astronomie.de/New%20object%20near%20ugc3379.htm
  >> Image form 2006-12-16 is a composite of 7 images a 21sec at F6.3.
  >> is visible on all.
  >> The weak pregnator object GSC2.2 N31020007187 is of class 3 = non
  >> http://vizier.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/VizieR-5?-info=XML&-out.add=.&-
  >> Till now i only have this image and i would like to ask wether
  there is
  >> someone who can take a confirmation of this. The weather here will
  be bad
  >> the next days.
  >> No known minor plantes around this position at this time.
  >> No known variables in GCVS / VSX at this position.
  >> thanks for your help
  >> regards
  >> Wolfgang Kloehr

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