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(cba:news) General CBA meeting (fwd) (Joe Patterson) [2006-01-25T15:22:13Z]

fyi, from Jerry Foote.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 09 Nov 2005 16:09:27 -0700
From: Jerry Foote <jfoote@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: jop@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: General CBA meeting


What did you have in mind for the general CBA meeting at the annual SAS
meeting in Big bear?  Would you want to have formal presentations or
informal discussions?

So far the rough schedule for this meeting is as follows:

May 23, 2006 Day time -- Concurrent session workshops.  At this writing we
have scheduled David Bradstreet on Binary maker 3,  Brian D. Warner on
Producing LightCurves using MPO Canopus,  Photometric Reduction using MPO
Canopus and Photored,  three beginner mini-workshops:"Choosing a CCD
Camera", "Automated Telescope Basics" and "Taking and Processing a CCD
Image for Research".  Perhaps a half-day session devoted to the CBA general
meeting would fit in concurrently on this day.

May 24, 2006 Day time -- General session with about 10 presentations mixed
between amateurs and professionals.

May 24, 2006 Evening -- Hospitality suite open.  Another possibility for
the CBA meeting.

May 25, 2006 Day time -- General session continued with another 10

May 25, 2006 Evening -- Banquet and Keynote speaker.

The meeting officially ends on Thursday night allowing people that will be
attending RTMC to get there on Friday morning.  We have conducted surveys
on the importance of cutting things off on Thursday night for RTMC on
Friday and most think that it is important.

We hold these meeting at the Northwoods Resort in the City of Big Bear
Lake.  They have very nice convention facilities with the main meeting room
holding ~ 120 people.

Would there be a registration fee for this meeting?  If so we can fold the
process in with ours to make things easy for registrants.  The workshops
have a fee associated with them to cover the costs of any handouts/software
as well as any refreshments for breaks.

The web site for SAS is http://www.socastrosci.org/

Let me know your thoughts.

The SAS Committee is very excited about the possibility of a joint SAS/CBA

Jerry Foote
Program Committee
Society for Astronomical Science