(cba:news) RX0532 a genuine superhumper (Joe Patterson) [2005-03-19T19:43:46Z]
Dear CBAers,
I just hopped off Tonny's website... if you look there
(www.cbabelgium.com), you'll see the clear 83 min superhumps this star is
flashing. This is a period domain we are VERY interested in (right
at the bottom. So it jumps to the top of our (northern) list
Coords in Tonny's website (in the cumbersome name this thing is hauling
around the sky). Gary Poyner's observation last night suggests V~13, but
it might be a touch fainter.
RX0532 and the not-nova-Pyx, a very peachy pair for these March evenings!
I managed to dig up internet access in, of all places, Las Vegas. Because
of all the gambling, this place is about as internetted up as a Microsoft
office suite. I was hoping for some desert mountain-climbing... weather
forecast not so good, but I expect to have time for astronomy.