(cba:news) stars new and old (Joe Patterson) [2003-01-23T20:16:00Z]
Dear CBAers,
Well we got GREAT coverage of the HT Cam outburst. It was extremely
brief, just 2 days, but we got coverage from CBAs-Finland, Crimea, East,
Connecticut, and Utah. Pretty good on such short notice! As many of you
know, the star free-fell back to 17th mag - took just one night.
So that's it, HT Cam is a wrap. We'll get a pulse timing during the
upcoming MDM run.
T Pyx is a wrap too. We have a very good pulse timing from AU/NZ
(Heathcoate, Rea, Allen) and SA (Monard)... it fits the quadratic
ephemeris (indicating a plunge toward self-destruction) very well, and
therefore can be basically be shelved for another year.
BZ Cam continues to be a fine target for northern scopes.
Let's start a campaign on BG CMi, a good target for all hemispheres (at
+10 degrees) We did this six years ago and netted only a very good study
of the 15 minute pulse. We really want to do a proper search for
superhumps. And we have a much better network now, with
global distribution (*really* global when Uzbekistan cranks up to full
speed). It's a perfect time of year - let 'er rip!
So: delete HT Cam, and UV Gem (also returned to quiescence)
delete T Pyx
lower nsv 10934 in priority slightly - we'd like to get the period in
*quiescence*, but is it in quiescence yet? any of you aussies know?
I'm about to go travelling again - a 2-week observing run. Kinda anxious
about it. It's been a mighty rough week for astronomy.