(cba:news) helium week at the cba (Joe Patterson) [2002-03-30T00:51:49Z]
Dear CBAers,
Oops in the last message I forgot our folks from northern climes. Here's
the simple menu for the north:
1. GK Per - grab it in early evening! Brian Martin's coverage shows that
the 6-minute oscillation is plenty strong in the current outburst. Get
good time resolution (a minute) to bring that sucker out! If you have a
blue filter available, that would give an advantage... but unfiltered is
OK. Since the period is 6 minutes, a 2-3 hour run would be just fine.
2. AM CVn. We're trying to get a seasonal timing of the 1028 s
oscillation - having not gotten one in 3 years. One solid week of
coverage will give us that timing, or 2-3 weeks of sporadic coverage.
3. CR Boo. Not yet ready for the big round-the-globe campaign. But
wherever you live, CR Boo is coming nicely into view. Feel free to kick
it off!
And, for australites only of course, I plead for a big campaign on V803
Centauri. Keep the proverbial candle burning.
By the way, I forgot to include Greg Bolt in the list of the V803 Cen
perpetrators. Greg is back after a long break from the CV biz. Since he
anchors down our western outpost in Perth and has done some very nice
photometry on CVs (esp. TU Crt), we are firmly of the "be nice to Greg"
Also, our papers on HT Cam (Kemp et al.) and RX2329+06 (Skillman et al.)
were accepted and I think scheduled for the June PASP. WZ Sge went back
to the journal today after a round of revisions. I'm pretty sure this is
the version that will appear (and I feel a bit giddy after sending the
enormous thing back into action). I intend to send copies to all
collaborators next week; but if you want to be really, really sure of
getting a postal copy, write. Jonathan may send out a pdf file, but it
will be really big - probably 40-45 journal pages with 21 figures.