(cba:news) RZ LMi, The Order of Battle (Joe Patterson) [2001-04-06T16:31:15Z]
Dear CBAers, April 6, 2001
Here's the scoop on RZ LMi so far. A note on the upcoming whole-earth
campaign will follow later today, with the emphasis on southern and
equatorial targets.
By the way, a few days ago, did anyone notice that the Julian Date
(last 4 digits) was equal to the year?
If so, well... that's too bad.
The 2001 campaign on RZ LMi has been going very well. The star
flashes, and then takes away, its superhumps with great amplitude and
speed, in a pattern too intricate to be resolved by any observations
yet obtained. There is probably - but not certainly - an orbital
signal in there too, since there are large-amplitude humps seen at
quiescence. (The problem is that quiescence is very VERY short-lived,
hence we must be awfully vigilant to catch the damn thing quiet for
LONG ENOUGH to measure a period credibly different from the superhump
Here's the coverage to date. The cast of characters is ever-
shifting, like a long-running Broadway play. Some obvious CBA Hall-of-
Famers (Dave Harvey, Captain Bob, Lasse Jensen) are nowhere to be
found. Resting, no doubt... they'll be back! And some active new
people have emerged. Jeff Robertson and Tut Campbell are making a bid
for Rookie of the Year honors.
The campaign should be continued all the way through arrival of
the next supermax, which I estimate will be April 17... then tack on 6
more days for the supermax to run its course. The larger scopes out
there should especially seek coverage when the star is *faint* (17th
mag), since that's when the putative orbital signal pops up.
(Spectroscopy has failed to reveal Porb, and we really need to know
this number.)
In a few days I'll send all campaigners the densest and best
portions of the 75-day light curve. But if you'd like all the (raw)
data, I could send that too on request. I imagine Jeff Robertson will
become the prime mover on the whole project when the time comes to
fully analyze and write up for publication - but it's not settled yet.
RAW DATA (delta-mag time series, before cross-calibrations to bring to
a uniform scale)
FILE JD/HJD PTS delta-mag and comments
29c 29.8478-.9820 544 <2.48> complex but periodic waveform
30c 30.9468-.0748 520 <0.80> possible tiny humps
31c 31.7097-.7266 47 <0.41>
32ep 32.3485-.5316 129 <0.68>
32js 32.7287-.8202 114 <0.41>
32c 32.7822-.0576 909 <0.35>
33ep 33.4375-.6523 163 <0.78>
33c 33.6934-.0322 1157 <0.43>
34ep 34.3666-.6455 199 <0.81>
34c 34.6824-.0188 1019 <0.53>
34bm 34.7231-.7670 27 <0.62>
35ep 35.3630-.6560 76 <0.90>
35e 35.5813-.9153 448 <0.525>
35c 35.6965-.0243 1302 <0.59>
35bm 35.7792-.8741 66 <0.70>
40c 40.7376-.0221 857 <2.37->2.55>
42jr 42.8819-.0201 141 <2.92>
43jr 43.8121-.9807 131 <2.39->1.50>
50tv 50.2588-.5892 225 <1.65> v noisy
52js 52.5493-.7960 541 <0.80->0.67>
53bm 53.6052-.0022 253 <0.42->0.34>
54tv 54.2754-.6256 174 <1.46>
55tv 55.2642-.7263 203 <1.57->1.63>
56tv 56.3982-.7215 279 <1.61>
57jr 57.6158-.8414 187 <0.56>
57bm 57.6020-.8506 161 <0.74->0.67>
58jh 58.5131-.6626 90 <-.70> noisy
58jr 58.6269-.9094 197 <0.62>
58bm 58.6464-.9527 152 <0.74> weak humps
59js 59.5093-.8811 856 <0.78>
60jr 60.6687-.7559 63 <0.78>
61jr 61.6612-.6869 9 <1.14>
62js 62.7128-.9158 470 <2.25->2.41> nice humps
63jr 63.5661-.6705 59 <2.63>
64js 64.7125-.9051 428 <1.65->1.30->1.18>
66jr 66.6160-.8959 200 <2.02->2.27>
67js 67.5389-.7565 435 <2.45->2.51> nice humps
67jr 67.5732-.8447 108 <2.42>
69e 69.4982-.6631 197 <2.53->2.40>
72js 72.5939-.7140
73jr 73.6585-.8806 139 <2.28->1.90>
73tk 73.7561-.8590 45 <2.0->1.9>
74jr 74.6142-.9709 174 <0.40> great humps
76jr 76.7375-.9023 99 <0.32>
78jr 78.5587-.8175 113 <0.53>
78bm 78.6134-.6872 21 <0.67>
79lc 79.6536-.8290 59 <0.67> noisy
80tk 80.7431-.8710 86 <0.59->0.62> no hump
81tk 81.7400-.8799 94 <0.64->0.66>
81jr 81.7287-.8965 113 <0.69->0.73>
82e 82.5191-.6172 135 <-0.15> humps
82jr 82.5770-.9202 241 <0.80> still humping
83js 83.6164-.7132 104 <1.42->1.54>
84tk 84.7320-.8951 57 <2.35->2.43>
85jr 85.5580-.9370 211 <2.70> giant humps
86jr 86.5880-.8912 170 <1.75->1.15->0.96>
87e 87.5158-.6629 203 <0.05>
87js 87.5653-.8492 576 <1.10->1.46> shumps returning
88e 88.5268-.6607 190 <1.08> humps
88js 88.5472-.8405 424 <2.13->2.38> great humps
88tk 88.7224-.8642 50 <2.16->2.24>
88jr 88.7701-.9365 87 <2.22->2.44> no visible humps
89jr 89.6498-.9088 152 <2.52> giant humps
91jr 91.6182-.8998 42 <2.4> useless
92e 92.5553-.6860 184 <-0.23> rising to max, no humps
93jr 93.5901-.9188 191 <1.03->1.20>
94jr 94.5799-.9179 195 <0.67->0.51>
95js 95.5190-.7676 373 <0.40>
95jr 95.6468-.9128 136 <0.29->0.42>
96e 96.5499-.6977 210 <-0.56->-0.75>
97e 97.5214-.6213 142 <-0.54>
97js 97.5239-.6919 182 <0.54>
98bm 98.7479-.8349 53 <1.78> still a good shump
99tk 99.6924-.8596 108 <0.53->0.60> still a good shump
100tk 100.6525-.8321 116 <0.65->0.69> still a good shump
102tk 102.6728-.8735 57 <0.70->0.76> not a useful time series
103tk 103.6678-.9094 81 <1.20->1.54>
c Jonathan C-E = 0.12 BM-C = 0.10
ep Elena Pavlenko EP-C = 0.25 BM-JR = 0.13
e East (Dave Skillman) JS-JR = 0.07 JR-TK = 0.08
js John Stull and Dave Toot JR-E = 0.95 JS-E = 1.10
tv Tonny Vanmunster
bm Brian Martin
lc Lew Cook
tk Tom and Lou Krajci
jr Jeff Robertson and Tut Campbell
jh Jim Hannon
mw Matt Wood