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(cba:news) one-year anniversary of the data archive (Jonathan Kemp) [2000-11-19T17:40:44Z]

Hi CBAers,

Well, today marks the one-year anniversary of the CBA data archive!  To
date, we have gotten more than 1200 data submissions from amateurs and
professionals in support of CBA and CV science.  Kudos to all who have
been contributing.

Following is a listing of data contributions received in the first year of
operation of the CBA data archive.  With luck, there will be many more
successful years for the data archive.

Dave Skillman         CBA East         Ctr for Basement Astrophysics   180
Jonathan Kemp         CBA Hilo et al   MDM Obs & CTIO Obs              179
Bob Fried             CBA Flagstaff    Braeside Obs                    156
Tonny Vanmunster      CBA Belgium                                      145
Lew Cook              CBA Concord                                       88
McCormick & Velthuis  CBA Pakarunga    Farm Cove Obs                    83
Brian Martin          CBA Alberta      King's Univ College Obs          74
Robert Rea            CBA Nelson       Regent Lane Obs                  69
Lasse Jensen          CBA Denmark                                       53
Neil Butterworth      CBA Townsville                                    48
Marc Bos              CBA Otahuhu                                       47
Dave Harvey           CBA West                                          32
Stan Walker           CBA Waiharara    Wharemaru Obs                    32
Paul Warhurst         CBA Auckland     Univ Of Auckland Astron Obs      10
Gianluca Masi         CBA Italy        Bellatrix Obs                     9
James Hannon          CBA Connecticut                                    7

As a reminder, we encourage data from both amateurs and professionals to
be submitted to our data archive address (data@xxxxxxxxxxx)
which transparently archives and passes along data to Joe and I.  If you
have not been sending data to this address, I heartily encourage you to do
so!  Of course, the above totals only include submissions directed toward
the archive and also don't include the thousands of data sets contributed
by the old-time CBAers before the archive's existence.

Also, if you have old data sets which you have submitted, but not to the
data archive but directly to one of us, I encourage resubmission to our
address for older data sets (data-old@xxxxxxxxxxx).

I might make the suggestions that, if possible and easy for observers,
data sets be submitted in separate e-mails.  This makes the bookkeeping
and archiving a tad easier.  Including the date, in addition to the
object, in the subject line is helpful, too.  If you have any questions
about how to submit data, please check out our web page with advice on
this subject (cbastro.org/data).

Lastly, CBAers should consider the archive to be at their disposal it they
wish to study data sets on a given star for a project.  Please send all
requests to Joe and I.


CBA Hilo
Center for Beachside Astrophysics