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(cba:news) Stars for Mid-October (Joe Patterson) [2000-10-15T02:29:50Z]

Dear CBAers,

OK I give up!  Several of you have been murmuring about my suddenly
deteriorated taste in stars - viz., HL Aqr.  After the first week the star
showed a hint of (low-amplitude) periodic activity, and I get very
interested in such things at periods of 3.5 hours.  But after further
study I just can't vouch for anything in it.  So HL Aqr is a loser, and
let's abandon it.

I also think we should abandon V1432 Aql - just too late in the season.
We did get a few nice eclipses to tidy up the ephemeris.

Paul Warhurst got a nice set of VY Scl runs, and it's a good time for
australites (and southern USA observers) to build on this.  The star is
very bright (12.7) and you should be able to get very good data.

We're maintaining steady vigils on Z And and Cep 1.  But these are very
flat stars - be warned, they're not rich in entertainment value!  Now
that the long nights have returned to Europe, it's high time to return to 
BZ Cam, a star that haunted us back in 1993 with its tantalizing, just-
outside-our-grasp probable superhumps.  Perfect for CBA-Finland and
