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(cba:news) stars du jour (Joe Patterson) [1998-02-23T22:25:08Z]

Dear CBAers,                                         Feb. 23, 1998.

     We still love DI UMa and RZ LMi.  These stars are ever erupting
and we'd like to keep following those superhumps for as long as the
stars are around.  They dive to 18.3 and 17.5 in quiescence, though -
only for the bigscopers.  DI just finished a superoutburst, but RZ
is just starting one (I think).

     Not getting much action on PQ Gem.  Try it, it's a good one,
with a healthy 14 minute signal.

     AM CVn and EC1533-1403 = HP Lib have crept back into the morning sky,
and as usual we crave timings of their ~18 min pulses.  Pretty easy to
do! - but check that clock for accuracy!

     Then there's RZ Leo (the real Leo not the minor one).  Very very
good target, with wonderful rewards in store for the observer who can
endure its faintness (17.5).  Amplitude's pretty big, without much

So in summary: PQ Gem in the evening
               DI UMa/RZ LMi when they rise, if bright enough; if not, PQ
               AM CVn/HP Lib in the morning

Except for the south. Main story there is:
               AH Men or RR Pic in the evening
               RZ Leo or T Pyx around midnight
               HP Lib in morning

Goin' off to Vermont in a few hours.  Some e-mail access but not extensive.
Back in 5 days.  Check the new website (https://cbastro.org),
gotta lotta improvements including satellite weather maps.
