(cba:news) flashy stars for cold nights (Joe Patterson) [1997-01-18T23:46:13Z]
Hello CBAers, 1/18/97
Well, Alon Retter starts his eight-night run tomorrow night in Israel,
so this is our best chance for a northern-hemisphere "Whole-Earth" run
on the prime targets: EG Cancri and BH Lyncis. At January 18.2 EG was
at V=14.9 and dropping; I expect it to be at 15.7 tonight and about
16.1 the next couple nights. So you small-scopers out there, I imagine
you'd prefer to do BH Lyn (about 14.9 out of eclipse). Do consider EG,
however; the damn thing is continuing to echo and wave and generally
demand attention. Tonny Vanmunster managed to get 7.5 hr on it last
night, a mighty fine start on our coverage of the latest echo.
Go CBAers, brave that cold and Olde Whiteface, blow all aliases to
kingdom come.