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(cba:news) EG Cancri's latest deeds (Joe Patterson) [1996-12-07T12:07:46Z]

Sorry for cluttering up your inbox, especially if you're receiving this
multiple times.  We have had immense mail problems for weeks here, and
I'm trying to verify that any mail is going out.

THEY have arrived.

The photometric waves in EG Cancri that Taichi Kato sensed as they were
passing Pluto (how does he get his information?).

During a CBA-Maryland run of six hours centered on December 5.35 UT,
the waves were at 0.027 mag and slightly growing.  A Cerro Tololo
observation on December 6.3 showed that the amplitude had grown to
0.13 mag (at V=13.0), and on December 7.3 it had grown further to 0.18
mag while the star had brightened to V=12.5.  The period was probably
0.0606+-0.0002 d, with a chance of really being 0.0645 d, the one-day
alias.  In either case, quite a bit longer than the period(s) reported
a few days earlier.

Won't you join us in watching this fascinating little star which is
likely to teach us a lot during its four weeks of fame...

                 Joe Patterson, Jonathan Kemp, Dave Skillman

             Centers for             Astrophysics  (CBA subsidiaries)