(cba:news) newsletter and charts (Jonathan Kemp) [1996-11-25T02:47:25Z]
CBAers & Friends,
The new CBA newsletter is ready and you can find it through our web site
(https://cbastro.org/) or through our anonymous FTP site
(tristram.phys.columbia.edu/pub/cba/). If you're getting this, a paper
copy of the newsletter will shortly follow. You'll find lots of tidbits
about CBA observation and research over the past year, targets for
upcoming campaigns, as well as other fun stuff. In addition to the
newsletter, you'll also get a collection of finding charts for objects
high on our priority list for the current observing season. We've now got
about two dozen or so charts (with suggested comparison stars denoted),
all of which can be accessed by web or FTP.
I've included a few more folks in this list (current distribution listed
below) who are either potential collaborators or just interested parties.
If you ever want to be removed from the list, just drop me a note and I'll
take you off.
alon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Alon Retter
astroman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx - Stan Walker
bianco@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Giuseppe Bianco
captain@xxxxxxxxxxxx - Robert Fried
ch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Coel Hellier
chaswell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Carole Haswell
comsoft@xxxxxxxxxxxx - David Harvey
dataman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - David Skillman
dharvey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx - David Harvey
dibnob@xxxxxxxxxx - David Buckley
dod@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Darragh O'Donoghue
gjg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Gordon Garradd
gp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Gary Poyner
haswell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Carole Haswell
jk@xxxxxxxxxxx - Jonathan Kemp
jop@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Joseph Patterson
lagmonar@xxxxxxxxxx - Berto Monard
ltj@xxxxx - Lasse Jensen
mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Mike Dusseault
nogami@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Daisaku Nogami
offutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Warren Offutt
pfg00474@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Seiichiro Kiyota
pmcgee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Paddy McGee
pwar022@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Paul Warhurst
ringwald@xxxxxxxxxxxxx - Frederick Ringwald
skiyota@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Seiichiro Kiyota
tauguste@xxxxxxx - Thomas Augusteijn
thorsten@xxxxxxxxxxxxx - John Thorstensen
tkato@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Taichi Kato
tmca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Timothy Abbott
tvanmuns@xxxxxxxx - Tonny Vanmunster