(cba:news) V1674 Her, prime season

Joe Patterson jop at astro.columbia.edu
Mon Jun 19 09:56:27 EDT 2023

Hi CBAers,

With the dark of the Moon, it's an excellent time to get LONG runs on 
V1674 Her.  At mag 17.7, it would normally be a challenge for us.  And 
the 8-minute spin signal is quite strong, appearing even in short or 
mediocre runs.  But the 3.6 hour orbital signal is weak, requiring long 
runs in fair-to-good conditions.  Most of all, the orbital signal 
requires long runs, since it's weak and has no sharp features (like a 
true WD eclipse)  Now, with the star transiting near midnight, is an 
excellent time to get such runs, assuming weather cooperates.

We're also re-awakening "Nova Sco 1437", which we dropped a few years 
ago after another bauble (I think "Maxi") caught our eye.  I'm not sure 
what the variable-star name is.  Can someone supply it?

I had hoped to attend this week's SAS convention in California.  My 
health has been subpar (not in the golfing sense), so a long trip seems 


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