(cba:news) Maxie update

Joe Patterson jop at astro.columbia.edu
Tue Oct 9 16:39:01 EDT 2018

Hi CBAers,

As many of you know, Maxie has been plummeting in brightness at around 
0.08 mag/day in recent days.  It almost got to V=15.0 a few days ago, 
but now seems to have rebounded by ~0.7 mag - quite a big jump if it's 
actually true.

In addition, the 0.7 d periodic signal continues.  No proof that it's 
the residue of the once-proud superhump, but that's a good possibility.
Twilight has greatly shortened the runs, but it's still (barely) 
possible to see that periodic signal.  So the star is good for another 
week - V filter only, and no need for good time resolution.  After that, 
snapshot V magnitudes will be fine.

joe p

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