(cba:news) CBA campaigns
Joe Patterson
jop at astro.columbia.edu
Wed Jul 4 06:56:13 EDT 2018
Hi CBAers,
Some new, old, and continuing campaigns.
1. Keep up the GREAT work on Maxie = ASASSN-18ey. We're past the
hundred-day mark now, and the star is still bright (13) and flashing its
very powerful superhumps. We've seen a few superhumps before from the
black-hole transients, but never with such longevity, amplitude, and
long orbital period (~16 hours). And very amenable to our observing
style of long, continuous time series. Truly, truly a Maxie!
2. Time to quit on CR Boo. We have a fair amount of coverage near
quiescence (our target), but lots of up-and-down cycles too - the bane
of CR Boo campaigns, and presenting analysis problems. Time to sort it
in Boo's off-season.
3. As many of you know, the dwarf nova V392 Per seems to have had a
classical-nova outburst this year. If true (it *seems* to be true), the
star warrants all the attention we can muster. I doubt that anyone can
observe it now - but put it on your list when it re-appears (August?)
4. Another star of this type (nova <-> dwarf nova) is V1213 Cen, still
available briefly in the evening sky. We've strangely overlooked it -
but it's likely to become a touchstone star in understanding the
evolution of CVs among the various subtypes (nova/novalike/dwarf-nova/ER
UMa). We published a theory about this a few years ago (BK Lyn) - let's
find out if it's true.
5. Just emerging in the morning sky is VW Hyi, and the radio astronomers
are keen to launch an across-the-spectrum study during its next outburst
- preferably starting early in the outburst. Both supers and normals
are eligible - and even a *visual* observation is useful (what's wanted
is primarily a "trigger" for the multiband campaign). Even a
*prediction* of the next outburst is of interest, too.
6. Again on the nova theme, two of our old favorites are back in the
sky, asking for attention: V1974 Cyg and V1494 Aql. The big-shot novae
of the 1990s. They both have - or had at last glance - fascinating
orbital light curves. Very good targets for a July-Aug campaign.
Now that I hear of all the CBAers attending the Warwick AAVSO/BAA
meeting, I really wish I could go. Lotta personal issues to attend to
during the next few weeks. I'll definitely make the November AAVSO
meeting in Flagstaff.
joe p
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