(cba:news) semi-colons, nyet

Joe Patterson jop at astro.columbia.edu
Wed Nov 25 04:54:43 EST 2015

Hi CBAers,

Sorry to annoy with something so trivial, but...

I notice that some CBAers are starting to send their data with the 
columns separated by semi-colons (;).  Some of my analysis and plotting 
programs choke on the semicolon.  It's straightforward to eliminate it 
manually, but after doing it about a hundred times, I conjured up enough 
guts to ask you to change, if possible.  Spaces amd/or commas are fine, 
of course.

If you're stuck with semicolons for some reason, fine.  It just takes a 
minute to fix it... but now that many datasets have them, I've been 
making this correction very fast, opening the door to errors.

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