(cba:news) T Pyx paper

Joe Patterson jop at astro.columbia.edu
Tue Feb 19 22:21:01 EST 2013

Hi CBAers,

Our massive T Pyx paper, representing ~4000 hours of data during 
1998-2013, is nearing completion.  Whew.  Or more correctly, the short 
version of it is, which I'll send you in 1-2 weeks after you send a 
little more information.  I have the following co-authors listed: Arto, 
Berto, Bob Rea, Josch Hambsch, Jennie, Peter Nelson, Jonathan, Bill 
Allen, Tom Krajci, Simon Lowther, Shawn Dvorak, Tom Richards, Gordon 
Myers, and Greg Bolt.  For the longer version, which will follow 1-2 
months later, I'll need current emails and addresses for each of you. 
About half of you already did this for papers on other stars, in the 
last few months - either to Jonathan or to Eve Armstrong.  But if you 
didn't, then send 'em to me now.  I'm not sure I strictly need 'em for 
the short version now, but I definitely will for the long version.

I've really enjoyed writing up the T Pyx data.  Such a fascinating and 
unique star, and possibly holding the key to how CVs end their lives (as 
recurrent novae gone wild, but *not* becoming supernovae).  Arto and 
Berto, you've been carpet-bombing this star with time-series photometry. 
  Do you hate it now... or love it... or are you emotionally detached 
from exactly whose photons are being captured by your silicon?

BTW, it's useful for archiving, referencing etc. to go by one consistent 
name in the literature.  For example, I've tried to use "Joseph 
Patterson" - but occasionally something slips in with J. or J.O. or some 
such thing.  Sometimes I can't find my own paper... and we all know the 
libraries are getting dismantled.  So it would be useful to specify 
exactly the professional (astronomical) name you prefer.


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